With the success of our first beach clean up safely under our belt we have got our second in the books. I was contacted by surf corp. " Girls who Surf", last month and asked if CGCH would be interested in organizing a beach clean up during their Wahine Surf Contest. We are very excited to be involved and honored that so soon people are turning to us when looking for partnership. Now if we could only find a fiscal sponsor maybe i could sleep at night but alass thats another story all together.
Beach Clean-Up will be held at 10:00 am and will go until 1:00pm at Ala Moana Park. Meeting in the park by large parking lot next to the harbor. look for Green baloons. Without the help fromour community none of what we attemp could ever be accomplished. We depend on you
For more details or to register for Wahine Surf ( paddle or Bodyboard) Contest go to http://www.girlswhosurf.com/ or call 808-772-4583. Entries must be recieved by Mondays, September 13th.
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